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Thomas Fliß hat darum gebeten, auf das TAP Reisestipendium aufmerksam zu machen.

Liebe Studierende im BA und MA, liebe Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden, liebe Postdocs aller Fächer,

wenn Sie sich in diesem Jahr für eine Forschungsreise nach Taiwan interessieren, besteht noch die Möglichkeit, sich für ein TAP-Reisestipendium zu bewerben. Die Details entnehmen Sie bitte dem folgenden Link bzw. der anhängenden PDF-Datei.

Herzliche Grüße
Thomas Fliß

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Zhiyi Yang hat auf folgende Veranstaltungsreihe hingewiesen:

Save the Date: Wilhelm Lectures with David Der-wei Wang (Harvard University), May 6/8, 2024, Goethe University Frankfurt


Literature Can Think: Debating Utopia in Modern China

Monday, 06.05.2024, 18-20:00

Location: CAS 1.812

Utopia, as a literary genre, a type of political thought, and a method of speculative inquiry, was introduced to China in the late Qing era. Through modern times, multiple utopian projects were conceived, debated, and contested by writers, thinkers, and political activists, to the point where utopia morphed into dystopia and literature became politics. This lecture seeks to rethink the dynamics of modern Chinese utopia as manifested in forms from fiction to conceptual treatises and political manifestos. The cases discussed will include Lu Xun, Shen Congwen, Zhang Jingsheng, and Mao Zedong.

The Monster That Is Fiction: The Politics of “Storytelling” in Contemporary China

Wednesday, 08.05.2024, 18-20:00,

Location: IG 1.314 (Eisenhower Raum)

This lecture invokes fiction as one of the most polemical ways to engage with Chinese (post)modernity. It takes as its point of departure President Xi Jinping’s 2013 call to “tell the good China story,” not only explicating the “fictional turn” of contemporary Chinese cultural politics vis à vis the word, but also tracing its genealogy to early modern times. Inspired by Hannah Arendt’s notion of “the fearful imagination,” the lecture tries to answer the question: Why does fiction and storytelling matter in China and the rest of the world, not only through the modern period but also in the contemporary era?

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Summer School in Classical Chinese and Japanese/Kanbun 

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice & Princeton University 


Visit one of the world’s most beautiful cities 

Learn Classical Chinese or Japanese/Kanbun in an international environment 

Get academic credits during a summer abroad 


The Ca’ Foscari - Princeton Summer School in Classical Chinese and Classical Japanese/Kanbun is globally unique in its kind. Its two tracks of comprehensive, grammar-focused instruction are designed to offer undergraduate and graduate students in any discipline of premodern China or Japan a solid linguistic foundation for the reading of classical texts.


Both tracks are taught by the principal instructors of the classical language programs at Ca’ Foscari and Princeton. In addition to language classes, students will follow a lecture series on topics in premodern Chinese and Japanese culture (history, literature, thought). Both tracks welcome students who are beginners in Classical Chinese or Japanese, as well as those who already have some background foundation.


Dates: July 1-26, 2024


Location: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice


Credits: 12 ECTS or equivalent of one full-year university course at Ca’ Foscari (60 classroom hours plus 16 hours of additional lectures)


Tuition: € 1.000 (access to University facilities and services, course materials and issue of final transcript)


Housing (optional): € 560 for doubleoccupancy or € 630 for single-occupancy housing for the entire duration of the course


Programme directors: 

Professors Tiziana Lippiello (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy)

Martin Kern (Princeton University, USA)


Course Instructors

Prof. Attilio Andreini

Prof. Keiko Ono


Study options:

Track A – Classical Chinese

The course provides the fundamentals of classical Chinese grammar through the reading and analysis of passages of premodern Chinese historical and literary texts. Prerequisites: one year of modern Chinese language.


Track B - Classical Japanese/Kanbun

The course provides the fundamentals of classical Japanese and kanbun grammar along with readings in the major genres of premodern Japanese historical and literary texts. Prerequisites: one year of modern Japanese language.


Apply online (deadline: April 15, 2024)
