A new episode of Taiwan on Air by the Northern Institute of Taiwan Studies at the University of Central Lancashire went out today.

You can find the title and brief description below.

And this is the link of the episode.

Hope you’ll enjoy it!

Best wishes,

the ERCCT Team

[TOA: HOME Series] Academic Chat – From Academic Work to Social Impact: A Scholar’s Commitment to Raise Awareness on Migrant Experiences in Taiwan, with Dr Isabelle Cockel (University of Portsmouth)

In this episode, our host Lara Momesso interviews Dr Isabelle Cockel, an academic based in the UK, to discuss the wider impact of her academic work. Isabelle’s extensive research on marriage and labour migrants in Taiwan has evolved into efforts to raise awareness of migrant issues beyond the academic sphere both in Asia and Europe. She has written blogs featuring migrant voices, translated and promoted films about migrants, and, whenever possible, she has worked to assist migrants in Taiwan.

For those who are interested to know more about Isabelle’s work, here you can find some links:

  1. University of Portsmouth profile: https://www.port.ac.uk/about-us/structure-and-governance/our-people/our-staff/isabelle-cockel
  2. Migrant Biographies, series on the Blog at Leiden University: https://blog.iias.asia/migrants-biographies
  3. Movie translation: The Lovable Strangers by Tsung-Lung Tsai and Nguyễn Kim Hồng https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPmvaLfE_k4  
  4. Taiwan Insight at the University of Nottingham: https://taiwaninsight.org/category/regular-contributors/isabelle-cheng/
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