ISAP Events Newsletter |
 | International Institute of Korean Studies (IKSU)Guest Lecture Series Beauty and the Waste: Fashioning Idols and the Ethics of Recycling in Korean Pop Music Videos.Led by Professor Suk-Young Kim Join us for this exciting talk that will examine K-pop’s double entendre as both a seminal player in and a critic of the fashion industry by comparing two highly influential music videos – G-Dragon’s “Crooked” (2013) and BTS’s “Spring Day” (2017) that comment on the contemporary fashion practices of quick accumulation and disposal. Wednesday 6 November 2024 14.00 – 16.00 Adelphi Building Lecture Theatre 4UCLan For enquiries contact IKSUENQUIRY@UCLAN.AC.UK Further Information on ISAP Website |
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| The Institute for Japan Studies Japan Day The Institute for Japanese Studies and four very enthusiastic student volunteers took part in the annual Japan Day of the Japan Society Northwest in Manchester on 19th October.Our two stalls were very popular with both children and adults who wanted to learn how to fold origami cranes and how to wrap presents in traditional cloths called furoshiki. Official Photos can be viewed: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jsnw2/ |
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 | Bruce Jacobs Memorial LectureOur third Bruce Jacobs memorial lecture by Nicole Yang Nicole Yang, the Founder of Harmony Home Taiwan. Nicole Yang, was one of the pioneers helping people with HIV/AIDS since 1986. Nicole has been unafraid of people with HIV/AIDS for she believes that helping people is unconditional. In this lecture, she will share insights from over forty years dedicated to helping Taiwan’s most marginalised communities, as the island’s political landscape shifted from authoritarian rule to a democratic government. Friday 29 November 2024 12:00 – 13:30 UK time Adelphi Building Lecture Theatre 4 This is an in person and online lecture.You can join the lecture online via MS Teams Further information on ISAP Website For enquiries contact Lara Momesso at LMomesso@uclan.ac.uk |
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  | 2024 Spotlight Taiwan Festival Following the successful 2024 Spotlight Taiwan Festival, we’ve welcomed visitors throughout the year to a variety of events. From engaging guest speakers and film screenings, to a vibrant gallery installation, the festival brought together a range of impactful collaborations. We would like to extend our thanks to all those who were involved and attended these events. And special thanks to our generous funders, Taiwan Ministry of Culture and TAIPEC, as well as our collaborated organisations, including Taiwanese in Greater Manchester UK, Home Cinema in Manchester, Manchester Central Library, The Dukes Cinema in Lancaster, and Lancaster University Taiwanese Student Society. Enquiries to TChang2@uclan.ac.uk |
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