Here are the latest news in the field of Taiwan Studies:

1) European Association of Taiwan Studies (EATS) Research and Publication Grant 2024
First Round: 22nd January – 15 March 2024 (See attachment)

We are delighted to announce that the EATS Research and Publication Grant for the year 2024 is now open for applications. In a total of €4,000 and up to €800 maximum per application, the grant supports a wide range of activities relevant to Taiwan Studies, as proposed by the applicant, involving research or publication completed before 31st December 2024.

EATS members currently enrolled for a Master’s degree, MPhil or PhD, those who are not in full-time employment, and those who are qualified as early career researchers as defined by their institutions, are eligible to apply. Applicants have to hold a valid EATS membership at the time of submission. To become a member of EATS, visit our registration site. Past recipients of EATS Research and Publication Grants are ineligible. One applicant may submit only one application.

The grant can be applied for the following activities:
• Conducting interviews and participant observation
• Visiting libraries and archives
• Undertaking other data collection activities
• Proofreading drafts
• Purchasing books, media and other types of research materials
• Producing open-access podcasts or videos

Application submission
• CV of the applicant
• Research outline (title and description, maximum one page of A4)
• Details of fieldwork/research plan (maximum one page of A4)
• Timeframe
• Itemised budget

Application procedure and report
Send applications by email to (cc Dr Beatrice Zani at with the subject Application for EATS Research and Publication Grant. The deadline for submission is 15th March 2024. Successful applicants are required to submit a final report to EATS within one month of the completion of the funded work. The report will be published in the EATS Newsletter. Past EATS News can be found here. Past EATS awardees can be found here.

Results will be announced by email first and published later on EATS’ website. It is the applicant’s own responsibility to check emails for notifications. If EATS does not receive a reply from the successful applicant confirming their acceptance of the award by the deadline specified in the notification email, EATS will withdraw the grant.

2) The Cultural Affairs Bureau of Tainan City in cooperation with the International Center for Tainan Area Humanities and Social Sciences Research announced the Postgraduate Research Grant for the Study of the Tainan Region. 

Please see the attached files for further information. 

3) On behalf of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University, please note the announcement below about the 2024-2025 Hou Family Fellowships in Taiwan Studies.

The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University is pleased to announce the competition for the

2024-25 Hou Family Fellowships in Taiwan Studies

Postdoctoral and pre-doctoral fellowships for junior scholars in any social science or humanities field to pursue research focused on Taiwan studies. Apply by March 1, 2024

The Hou Family Fellowships in Taiwan Studies sponsors one Postdoctoral Fellow and one Predoctoral Fellow to join the Fairbank Center to pursue Taiwan-focused research in humanities and social sciences for six to twelve months between August 1, 2024, and July 31, 2025. Residence at the Fairbank Center for the full academic year is encouraged.

The Hou Family Fellows will have the opportunity to engage with the Fairbank Center’s interdisciplinary community of scholars and will have access to Harvard’s world-class libraries and other resources. In addition to maintaining their own research agenda, the Hou Family Fellows will contribute to the Fairbank Center community in ways that could include the following: 

·        Presenting research to the Center’s Taiwan Studies Workshop series, or to other Fairbank Center events and audiences, 

·        Participating in professional development workshops and serving as a mentor for current graduate students,  

·        Attending seminars and participating in academic events and community activities. 

Applications are invited from junior scholars in the humanities or social sciences whose research focuses on Taiwan.  

Application deadline: March 1, 2024 

For position-specific eligibility and application requirements see    

The fellowships will be subject to all rules and regulations of Harvard University.   Harvard is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, age, protected veteran status, disability, genetic information, military service, pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions, or other protected status. 

Questions may be sent to  

4) Assistant Professor (or above) – International Ph.D. Program in Indigenous Studies,
College of Indigenous Studies, National Dong Hwa University
 (See attachment)

5) For the latest edition of the EATS Newsletter, please check the attachment.

6) Please see attached four pictures about Shi Ming-teh 施明德 taken by Linda Gail Arrigo, who has kindly shared them with all those interested in using them. Please see her message below:

“I took them in 1991, I think, on a visit to Tainan, where the graveyard of his ancestors is. The girls are his two daughters from  his first marriage, to Chen Li-chu. The pictures are free for use by anyone who wants to use them.”

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