• Chih, Vivian Szu-Chin (2023) “Editing as an Act of Intersemiotic Translation in A City of Sadness: From Poetic Language to Cinematic Language”, International Journal of Taiwan Studies 6(2): https://brill.com/view/journals/ijts/6/2/article-p213_001.xml (the Second Prize Winner of the 2021 IJTS Research Article Competition)
  • Dawley, Evan N. (2018) “Finding Meaning in Time and Space: Periodisation and Taiwanese-centric History”, International Journal of Taiwan Studies 1(2): https://brill.com/view/journals/ijts/1/2/article-p245_245.xml (2023 IJTS Open Access Award winner) – open access
  • Grano, Simona A. (2024) “‘Letters to Taiwanese Compatriots’: The prc’s Unification Ideology and Taiwanese Response in Cross-Strait Communication”, International Journal of Taiwan Studies 7(1): https://brill.com/view/journals/ijts/7/1/article-p37_003.xml (merit award winner of the 2021 ijts Research Article Competition)
  • Huang, Phyllis Yu-ting (2021) “The Returnee as an Outsider: Reunion and Division in Wang Quan’an’s Apart Together (團圓, tuan yuan)”, International Journal of Taiwan Studies 4(1): https://brill.com/view/journals/ijts/4/1/article-p143_143.xml (2020 EATS Young Scholar Award winner)
  • Krumbein, Frédéric (2024) “Explaining Cross-Strait Relations with Regional Integration Theory”, International Journal of Taiwan Studies 7(1): https://brill.com/view/journals/ijts/7/1/article-p7_002.xml (merit award winner of the 2021 ijts Research Article Competition)
  • Lin, Thung-Hong and Hu, Bowei (2019) “Subcontractors’ Dilemma: the Expansion of Taiwanese Firms 2002–2015”, International Journal of Taiwan Studies 2(2): https://brill.com/view/journals/ijts/2/2/article-p199_199.xml (2023 IJTS Open Access Award winner) – open access
  • Marinaccio, Jess (2019) “James Clifford’s ‘Indigenous Articulations’ as Travelling Theory? The Search for Sustainability in Theorising Taiwan’s Indigenous and Han Populations”, International Journal of Taiwan Studies 2(1): https://brill.com/view/journals/ijts/2/1/article-p32_32.xml (2018 EATS Young Scholar Award winner)
  • Morris, Andrew D. (2019) “‘Praising Righteous Fan’: pla Air Force Commander Fan Yuanyan’s 1977 Defection to Taiwan”, International Journal of Taiwan Studies 2(1): https://brill.com/view/journals/ijts/2/1/article-p57_57.xml (2023 IJTS Open Access Award winner) – open access
  • Upton, J. Christopher (2023) “Legal Indigeneities: Identity, Authenticity, and Power in Taiwan’s Indigenous Courts”, International Journal of Taiwan Studies 6(1): https://brill.com/view/journals/ijts/6/1/article-p5_002.xml (the first prize winner of the 2021 IJTS Research Article Competition)
  • Simon, Scott (2018) “Ontologies of Taiwan Studies, Indigenous Studies, and Anthropology”, International Journal of Taiwan Studies 1(1): https://brill.com/view/journals/ijts/1/1/article-p11_11.xml (2022 IJTS Open Access Award winner) – open access
  • Wang, Min-Erh (2024), “The Commodification of Cold War Ideologies: the Reception of Casals in Japan and the Sinophone World in the Post-Cold War Era”, International Journal of Taiwan Studies 7(1): https://brill.com/view/journals/ijts/7/1/article-p65_004.xml (merit award winner of the 2021 ijts Research Article Competition) – open access
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