1. Updated Call for Applications: DGA Young Scholar Workshop “Nation and Religion” June 14th-16th 2024, Freiburg im Breisgau
  2. Einladung zur Kielconference zu Environmental & Cultural Change in Past Societies
  3. Vortrag: »Gao Xingjian’s Politics of Resistance and Nonconformist Poetics: The Portrayal of Huineng in the Play and the Production of Gao Xingjian’s Snow in August« | Tsu-Chung Su (National Taiwan Normal University) | hybrid
  4. Prague Summer School of Chinese Poetry “Modern Transformations”
  5. CfP 18. ACAS  “Asian Temporalities: Chronologies, Seasons, Tenses” (Olomouc)

  1. Updated Call for Applications: DGA Young Scholar Workshop “Nation and Religion” June 14th-16th 2024, Freiburg im Breisgau

Young Scholars Group Call for Applications 

Theory Workshop 2024 “Nation and Religion” 

  The Young Scholars Group “Asian Studies” of the German Association for Asian Studies (DGA) is organizing a theory workshop on the themes “Nation and Religion” from June 14th to 16th, 2024. Various theories and theoretical debates in Asian studies on these topics will be presented and discussed in groups with workshop leaders Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan, Prof. Dr. Judith Schlehe, Dr. Hendrik Johannesman, Dr. Yasmin Koppen, Richard Takhun, and Josko Kozic. 
Prof. Dr. Jörg Plassen initiates the workshop with a keynote speech on the use of philological methods to overcome nationalist perspectives on religious history.  

The workshop takes place at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg im Breisgau (Baden-Württemberg). We expressly invite Master’s students and doctoral candidates from Germany and abroad with a focus on Asia, regardless of their respective disciplinary backgrounds. There are roughly 30 places available. 

The participation fee is €75; members of the DGA Young Scholars Group receive a €5 discount on the participation fee. This includes refreshments and lunch on Saturday. 

Please register via the following link: https://forms.gle/51tX69jeCckYLyBk6 

The program commences on Friday around 4 p.m. with the keynote speech and a communal introductory session. On Saturday, the workshop is held in parallel blocks, allowing participants to choose blocks according to  their interests and expertise. 
In the afternoon, participants have the chance to pitch their projects and pose questions to receive suggestions and tips from the plenum. 
The workshop concludes on Sunday at noon with a summarizing session. For further information on the exact schedule and our speakers please refer to the attached PDF file. 

Registration for the workshop is possible until May 24th, 2024. 

Confirmations will be sent out by the end of the official registration period. Payment is due one week after acceptance: 

German Association for Asian Studies e.V. 

IBAN: DE34 2007 0024 0063 5821 07 


Reference: “[FIRST NAME LAST NAME] Participation TW 2024 Freiburg” 


For those who are undecided, we would also like to draw attention to the exclusive trial membership in the DGA Young Scholars Group, which advertises with a reduced membership fee: https://asienforschung.de/mitglied-werden/schnuppermitgliedschaft/ 

2. Einladung zur Kielconference zu Environmental & Cultural Change in Past Societies

Im März kommenden Jahres findet im Rahmen des Excellence Cluster ROOTS die Konferenz zu

Scales of Social, 
Environmental &
Cultural Change
in Past Societies VIII


Details bitte hier zu entnehmen (deadline für abstract-Einreichung ist der 16. Juni: https://www.kielconference.uni-kiel.de/)

Es wäre wunderbar, wenn aus unseren Reihen einige substantielle Beiträge kommen würden.

3. Vortrag: »Gao Xingjian’s Politics of Resistance and Nonconformist Poetics: The Portrayal of Huineng in the Play and the Production of Gao Xingjian’s Snow in August« | Tsu-Chung Su (National Taiwan Normal University) | hybrid

Veranstaltung :

»Gao Xingjian’s Politics of Resistance and Nonconformist Poetics: The Portrayal of Huineng in the Play and the Production of Gao Xingjian’s Snow in August« | Tsu-Chung Su (National Taiwan Normal University) | hybrid

We cordially invite you to our next lecture in the lecture series »Sinophone Classicism. Chinese Cultural Memories in a Global Space« held by literary scholar Tsu-Chung Su.

Tsu-Chung Su (National Taiwan Normal University)

»Gao Xingjian’s Politics of Resistance and Nonconformist Poetics: The Portrayal of Huineng in the Play and the Production of Gao Xingjian’s Snow in August«

Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 18:00 Uhr / 6 p.m.
 (Central European Time)

Participation on spot

Venue: Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften, Am Wingertsberg 4, 61348 Bad Homburg

The number of participants is limited. Please register here: anmeldung@forschungskolleg-humanwissenschaften.de.

Participation in the Zoom meeting
Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvcemgqD4pHtwbv3Xm1wsOHWP42K7I_RkN

 © art: »Coiling Dragons in the Clouds« (2022) by PENG Kang-long, courtesy of the artist

About the lecture

Gao Xingjian is a Chinese-born writer and artist who lives in exile in France. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2000. His play Snow in August is based on the life of Huineng (February 27, 638 – August 28, 713), the Sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism and founder of the Sudden Enlightenment School. Drawn from Huineng’s Platform Sutra and various koan cases, the play showcases Gao’s nonconformist poetics, transforming classical notions of acting, dramaturgy, and theatricality, particularly from Beijing Opera, while simultaneously embodying his politics of resistance. The 2002 premiere production of Snow in August in Taipei, directed by Gao Xingjian himself, was an extravaganza.

Intending to explore two core aspects of Gao’s practice in Snow in August, namely, the politics of resistance and nonconformist poetics, I will pose questions such as: Is Huineng, an illiterate Chinese Zen Buddhist master, a religious nonconformist and also a freewheeling political thinker? Is Huineng’s life an embodiment of Gao Xingjian’s self-exile, anti-establishment thinking, and politics of resistance? Is the portrayal of Huineng in the production a successful manifestation of Gao’s nonconformist poetics?

About the speaker
Tsu-Chung Su is Distinguished Professor of English at National Taiwan Normal University. His areas of interest include Nietzsche and his French legacy, theories of hysteria and melancholia, Shakespeare studies, performance studies, Indology, dramatic theory and criticism, and theories of consciousness and mindfulness. Su is the author of three monographs: Artaud Event Book (2018, in Chinese), The Anatomy of Hysteria: What It is, with Some of the Kinds, Causes, Symptoms, Representations, & Several Critiques of It (2004), and The Writing of the Dionysian: The Dionysian in Modern Critical Theory (1995). – In May 2024 he is a Fellow at the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften of Goethe University Frankfurt.

About the series
The lecture is part of the series »Sinophone Classicism. Chinese Cultural Memories in a Global Space«

4. Prague Summer School of Chinese Poetry “Modern Transformations”

Vom 2. bis 6. September 2024 findet an der Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften der Karls-Universität in Prag die Prague Summer School of Chinese Poetry unter dem Thema “Modern Transformations” statt.

The summer school aims to encourage interest in modern and contemporary Chinese poetry among graduate students of sinology/Chinese studies (Master’s and Ph.D.) as well as the broader interested academic public. It will cover topics essential to understanding the very concept of “modern poetry” (新詩) originally shaped in opposition to “old poetry” (舊詩), and its search for new language, form, and imagination through the 21st century. It will introduce the differences and interactions between traditional genres and modern poetry, as well as the diversity of poetic expressions by modern poets accumulated over time and space, including distinct poetic practices in China proper, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. The life of traditional genres in contemporary China also will be touched upon. Chinese poetry will be discussed through the work of selected poets and the summer school will consist of lectures and reading sessions, for which material will be provided in advance.

Speakers at the summer school will include Michelle Yeh (UC Davis), Kwok-kou Leonard Chan (Tsing-hua University, Hsin-chu), Maghiel van Crevel (Leiden University), Andrea Riemenschnitter (University of Zurich), Yang Zhiyi (Goethe University, Frankfurt), and Olga Lomová (Charles University, Prague).

The summer school is open to all interested students and scholars, upon submitting an online application including a letter of motivation and a short CV (up to 1 page). The tuition is free for all participants. Participants from Central and Eastern European institutions are eligible for a limited number of CCK-F travel and accommodation grants; to apply, specify the estimated ticket price in the online application.

The application deadline is June 15, 2024.

All information and updates will be available at https://cckisc.ff.cuni.cz/en/lecture-series/prague-summer-school-of-chinese-poetry-2024/

5. CfP 18. ACAS  “Asian Temporalities: Chronologies, Seasons, Tenses” (Olomouc)

Das Institut für Asienwissenschaften der Palacký-Universität Olomouc nimmt Vorschläge für die 18. ACAS entgegen, die am 22. und 23. November 2024 in Olomouc, Tschechien, stattfinden wird. Das diesjährige Thema lautet “Asian Temporalities: Chronologies, Seasons, Tenses”. Beiträge zu allen Themen, die sich auf die Kulturen, Gesellschaften, Sprachen und Geschichte Asiens sowie deren diasporische Erscheinungen beziehen, sind willkommen.

The Department of Asian Studies at Palacký University Olomouc is currently accepting proposals for its 18th Annual Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS), which will be held on November 22–23, 2024 in Olomouc, Czech Republic. 

The theme of this year’s conference is Asian Temporalities: Chronologies, Seasons, Tenses. We welcome contributions that concern any issue and topic that relates to this theme with a focus on the cultures, societies, languages, and histories of Asia as well as their diasporic manifestations.   

We seek contributions from a variety of theoretical, methodological, and (inter)disciplinary approaches. We welcome proposals grounded in original research in fields such as anthropology, international relations, history, linguistics, literature, philosophy, political science, sociology, visual art, and any other fields in the humanities and social sciences.    

We invite proposals in the following formats: (1) individual papers, (2) organized panels, (3) research posters, and (4) alternative formats, such as roundtable discussions, book presentations, film screenings, art projects, etc. The conference will also include a session dedicated to (5) individual papers by graduate students.  

Please see the conference website  for more details as well as the link to the submission form (on EasyChair):

Annual Conference on Asian Studies | ACAS – Department of Asian Studies | Faculty of Arts | Palacký University Olomouc (upol.cz)

The deadline for abstract submission is June 30, 2024.  

The working language of the conference is English.  

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